for the healers.
this is for the healers.
the ones who came here to heal. those who came here to hold.
it is a beautiful space to BE in. here’s the thing though, simply calling yourself a healer is not enough. calling yourself a healer comes with a sacred responsibility. to know your wounds, to be in relationship with them, to see all the ways they are in relationship with others. it requires hypervigilance, accountability, intentions to do no harm — our communities deserve to be held in spaces that honor their stories, they deserve to be held by healing-practitioners that know HOW to confidently hold space for trauma and HOW NOT to lose themselves in the process.
we have work to do…work within our(selves). work to do in community.
all this healing is our business.
the focus of kindred medicine has always been about us, who we are holding, what we are remembering, and the spirit that weaves and connects us all. rooted in anti-oppression and anti-racism, we root into trauma informed care as the standard of care, with the understanding that healing is complex, intricate, and person/community-specific.
you’re invited to experience the only trauma informed care training for healing-practitioners that explores bias, and the nuances of holding space for Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPoC) communities. keep reading to learn more about how to show up for the work through our training & consultation offerings.
holistic trauma informed consultation
trauma informed care training
combined + support al la carte options available
you’re invited, to do the work.
invite dr shena into your sacred circle for individual or organizational consultation. virtual consultation includes |
initial consultation assessment to identify/clarify needs
1:1 calls/meetings to identify various opportunities to ground anticipated/existing programming in trauma informed care practices
consultation report with recommendations and resources
co-created accountability plan to measure progress
the healer’s journey is the medicine.
we got options kindred. request an in person/virtual tic training for your organization that centers the specific needs of your collective work & community, join a virtual trauma informed care training, offered quarterly for BIPoC healing-practitioners, or sign up for the self-paced online course.
the trauma informed care training explores |
types of trauma and holistic impact
neurobiology of trauma
core trauma informed care principles
how to minimize re-traumatization
responding to triggers
compassion fatigue
& more
healing-practitioners will be invited to participate in self reflection exercises, guided meditations, & will receive an exclusive digital workbook to supplement learning experience and expansion, a completion certificate, and a special kindred medicine affirmed icon to add to websites/socials
“dr young provided us with inclusive training for our team. we left feeling equipped to expand our services with the help and insight from dr. young. thank you for leading us in patience, compassion, and understanding.”
“what I witnessed during my trauma informed training with dr young was someone who truly embodied the values of the trauma informed care they were administering. with a gentle and sensitive but forthright disposition, dr young guided my team and me through the process by which trauma becomes embedded in the heart, mind, soul, and body — and best practices for fostering a sense of security & trust when engaging survivors.
most transformative for me is how these tenets of trauma informed care have impacted my daily life, manifesting as principles for me to live by. ”
“I am feeling so seen and held in my lived experiences and my experiences as a healer. I am looking forward to being able to carry this new wisdom into my work.”
“clear definition of trauma informed principles, actionable practices/language to include into my work, lots of juicy food for thought to deepen my self-inquiry!”